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Markup: Image Alignment


Markup: Image Alignment

Welcome to image alignment! The best way to demonstrate the ebb and flow of the

Bheru Lal

Bheru Lal

January 10th, 2013

Markup: Text Alignment


Markup: Text Alignment

Default This is a paragraph. It should not have any alignment of any kind. It

Bheru Lal

Bheru Lal

January 9th, 2013

Markup: Title With Special Characters ~`!@#$%^&*()-_=+{}[]/\;:'”?,.>


Markup: Title With Special Characters ~`!@#$%^&*()-_=+{}[]/\;:'”?,.>

Putting special characters in the title should have no adverse effect on the layout or

Bheru Lal

Bheru Lal

January 5th, 2013

Markup: Title <em>With</em> <b>Mark<sup>up</sup></b>


Markup: Title With Markup

Verify that: The post title renders the word “with” in italics and the word “markup”

Bheru Lal

Bheru Lal

January 5th, 2013

Template: Featured Image (Vertical)


Template: Featured Image (Vertical)

This post should display a featured image, if the theme supports it. Non-square images can

Bheru Lal

Bheru Lal

March 15th, 2012

Template: Featured Image (Horizontal)


Template: Featured Image (Horizontal)

This post should display a featured image, if the theme supports it. Non-square images can

Bheru Lal

Bheru Lal

March 15th, 2012

Template: More Tag


Template: More Tag

This content is before the more tag. Right after this sentence should be a “continue

Bheru Lal

Bheru Lal

March 15th, 2012

Template: Excerpt (Defined)


Template: Excerpt (Defined)

This is a user-defined post excerpt. It should be displayed in place of the post content in archive-index pages. It can be longer than the automatically generated excerpts, and can have HTML tags.

Bheru Lal

Bheru Lal

March 15th, 2012

Template: Excerpt (Generated)


Template: Excerpt (Generated)

This is the post content. It should be displayed in place of the auto-generated excerpt

Bheru Lal

Bheru Lal

March 14th, 2012

Template: Comments


Template: Comments

This post tests comments in the following ways. Threaded comments up to 10 levels deep

Bheru Lal

Bheru Lal

January 3rd, 2012

Template: Comments Disabled


Template: Comments Disabled

This post has its comments, pingbacks, and trackbacks disabled. There should be no comment reply

Bheru Lal

Bheru Lal

January 2nd, 2012